
Cutie Bugs

Look at my wonderful hubby and son Rowan. Isn't he just scrumptious? They both are, tee hee.

Movies last night were Miss Congeniality 2, White Noise and Fear Dot Com. We've yet to watch Fear Dot Com. Miss Congeniality 2 was exactly as I expected, why bother making a second one. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the first one, but how could they possibly expect to write an interesting story line to a second one. I guess they couldn't. Lol. White Noise got really bad reviews. They need to have horror flick buffs review these movies. Horror is my favorite genre. I really enjoyed the movie. Fear Dot Com... has yet to be rated and by the title I think I will have some berating to do. snicker. Its got to be better than Alone in the Dark though. Pee-u!

We are going over to celebrate a friend's birthday today. She's turning 30 years old today. I feel for her. I turned 30 in February. I spit on all those that say, "Come on, 30s are the new 20s!" Its like barfing on a canvas and calling it art. lol. Being 30 gives me a little more credibility on being a mom of many. All the good things end there. I'm thir-ty! Nothing glorious about that. I can remember thinking being old enough to drink was old.

Time to go. Wish I could write more. Now that I'm thirty, I wake up and the day is over! I'm like all the other old people saying, "I can remember when..."

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