
Beautiful Bella

Yesterday was a friend's birthday, right?. We decided to take our Isabelly with us. Her formal name is Isabella Pelagia. We call her about every variation of that. She's 2.5 years old now. She's so shy and quiet around other people. She was thrilled with the tigers you can see from their back yard... ok so I corrected her, they were cows. LOL. She stood on their deck peering over the fence at them for quite a while. Such a precious soul!!!

Anyway, friend's hubby (he's a friend as well, but wanted to give props to the gourmet guys) made some to-die-for pesto grilled salmon. Belly was so taken by the tigers that she only ate a little bit before running back out to watch them. Then we had birthday cake. What an understatement! It's more like G-d made the world in 6 days, rested for 1 day, and then made this cake on the 8th day. Yeah, it's THAT good. So Bella Baby is eating her cake. I finish mine and then start picking at the few bites left of her salmon. Next thing I know, she whips the salmon off her plate, pops it into her mouth, chomps on it a couple times for good measure and then puts it back on her plate. LMBO big time! Talk about territorial. What's even funnier is that I had just finished this diatribe on how my little ones are fascinated with bathrooms. They feel like they MUST pee in the new bathroom. Stores, restaurants, friends' homes. We have not arrived until we've used their potty!!! I was just commenting that it was like they needed to 'mark' them. Well, Bella definitely 'marked' her salmon. No way am I eating it now. I'm not one of those freak moms. I've seen some moms take half eaten food out of their kids' mouths and eat the rest. Barf-o-lah!

Knitting news... Knitty has their next edition out. I HAVE to knit up a Satchel. Still trying to decide what colors, whether I want to do it multicolored, striped, and if I want novelty yarns in it. Got to finish Meandering first. I should have the scarf finished today. I need to edit the pattern for errors, take some photos and hopefully I will have it up tomorrow. I bought more yarn. *sigh* I know, I know... I have a problem. Ya'll have heard of yarn ho's, yarn-a-holics, yarn addicts, and what not. I'm in a league all my own. I honestly have several thousand dollars of yarn in my stash. When I say I have enough in my stash to knit for the next 5 years, that's an understatement!!! Moving on... I bought some KnitPicks Shimmer. I feel like I'm cheating on my LYS when I buy yarn from other places. They don't carry lace weight yarns (yet :p) so I feel a little better about my wandering eye. I am in serious need of knitting some lace. I need something dainty and complex. Nothing like lace. :)

Well, Little Lily is work on her third chin so I must run now. Have a Great day!


Anonymous said...

Bella is growing so fast! It is so good to see her! I am sure enjoying your postings. A good way to keep up with what you are doing from day to day. ~Smile~

me said...

Blogging has been very relaxing for me. Its very therapeutic!